Carly's first four weeks have been so fun. She is a sweet baby and has fit into our crazy household perfectly. It's still her older siblings that are the most work it seems, especially little Mas. She sleeps well, doesn't cry much and tlerates a lot of noise. I am really enjoying her newborn stage, especially since I think she will be our last baby. I love holding her and I'm much less worried about spoiling her than I was with the other two. I have definitely gotten more laid back with each baby. She likes her swing, her paci, being held, car rides (thank goodness!), tolerates being swaddled. She dislikes being cold, her first couple baths, diaper changes, the hiccups. Sweet Carly, I love you so much!
Week 1

I can handle this :)
My cute little bunch
Week 2
The first bath. She really didn't enjoy it.
Week 3
A little smile, probably not intentional, but I'll take it
Four weeks old
Love this, Carly wants to be like her big sis already :)