
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NIght 2 Day 2

Last night was better than the night before. Nate got up with him so I got a little break, but still didn't sleep from 4- 4:45am. Mason woke up at 4am and Nate went in and did the sh/pat. He didn't even need to be picked up at all. It took about 15 minutes and he was asleep. About 5 minutes later we hear him again. Nate went in but by the time he got there he was already settling back to sleep, so Nate didn't have to do anything. About 20 min later we hear him again, Nate went in and gave him his lovey and he went back to sleep. After that he slept 1hr 15 min and woke up at 6. Nate tried to get him back to sleep but he seemed hungry so I went in and fed him with the lights on and made sure he didn't nurse back to sleep. I put him back down awake and he was quiet til 6:45 when I went in and got him to start the day. I don't know if he slept for those 30 min or not, but he was quiet. I put him down for his nap around 8:20 and he went down great and is still asleep at 9:10am. Now the hope is that he will take longer naps without waking up and that he will sleep til at least 6:30 in the morning. I'm really, really glad we did this. The last two days have been so great and stress free!


The rest of the day went good. He slept 1.5 hrs for his morning nap and 2hrs 15 min at his second. He even woke up and fussed a little at the 2 hr point and went back to sleep for another 15 min. I didn't put him down for an evening nap today which I probably should have. He was fussy tonight. It seems like he wants to sleep more now that we've started this. Kinda weird, but good. So, I hope tonight gets even better. I really hope that he will sleep until at least 6:30am. This has been pretty tiring, but worth it so far. This probably isn't very interesting to most people, but I just want to have a record of everything we did so I can remember it down the road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Lindsay!!
I have noticed that Luke sleeps MUCH better at night when he gets good naps during that day (he still takes 2 naps), and it's even ok for him to have a late nap to keep him from being overtired at bedtime. I think that the nap issue is the culprit this time... He had a couple of rough days, but once we got his naps back to normal, he has been so much better at night!
Hang in there!!