
Monday, May 9, 2016

First day at QSI

Alyssa was so excited to start school. She was asking when they could start the day after we got here! I was thinking we would wait a week or so to make sure they were over the jet lag, but they both were ready to go the Monday after we arrived.

Their classes are categorized by age instead of grade, so it's a little different, but it's basically the same. Alyssa is in the 8 year old class and Mason is in the 5 year old class.

I was nervous for them, especially Mason since this was his first real day of school. They weren't at all nervous, so it made me feel better:)

Mason has 7 kids in his class and Alyssa has 8 or 9 kids in hers. I think they each have 2 other American kids in their classes and the others are from the Netherlands, Poland, Norway and Sweden. They both like school, are making friends and seem to be adjusting really well. They came at a great time because they have each gone on a few field trips and have more coming up. They have been to a concert, an equestrian place, to the airfield to see the C-17 and they both have zoo trips coming up.  Carly misses them while they are gone.  It's strange for her not to have them around, but she's starting to see their are benefits to having me to herself:)

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