
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Is this it?

I've been having contractions on and off for 24 hours. Sometimes 10 minutes apart, then 45 minutes apart. It's getting a little frustrating, I wish it would stop so I can sleep tonight or progress so we can meet this little guy. I guess we'll see what happens tonight. I was hoping that this being my second labor it would go quickly and be easier for me to tell when I'm in "real" labor. Nate is supposed to fly tomorrow afternoon (just locally), so I hope something happens by the time he has to leave for his flight. We could have a baby tomorrow or it could be a few more days like this I guess. Keep ya posted:)


joshbeth said...

Yea good luck. With my second I had a hard time knowing when it was real...mine was like your where it was on and off again for a not fun!!! Will be praying for you...hope it goes quick!!!

Mandy said...

I hope you are birthing that baby right now :)

sharon said...

praying for you

The Moffats said...

Can't wait to hear about the little buddy's arrival! Hoping he's on his way now and Nate is not flying! Love you guys!