
Friday, February 15, 2013

Carly {10 months}

Carly girl is 10 months!  Wow, she is getting so big.  It seems like it happens all of a sudden around 10 months, my babies go from seeming like small babies to pretoddlers.  It's crazy.  Last month I thought of her as just a baby and now I can see that toddlerhood is right around the corner.  Makes me sad:(  Her personality is emerging.  She loves to play with Alyssa and Mason and is starting to get mad when someone takes something from her or she can't have what she wants.  She smiles and waves all the time, at everyone.  It's pretty adorable. 

                                                                   Hello blue eyes

 She is a great eater, but doesn't care for baby food much anymore.  She wants the real stuff and eats everything we give her.  It's awesome to have a kid who actually likes the meals I prepare!  I really hope it stays that way.

She has been sleeping better.  She sleeps through the night a couple times a week.  When she does wake up at night it's usually after 4am and she goes back to sleep quickly.  A big improvement from a month or so ago.  I think she had RSV in January.  She was exteremely congested, coughing, watery eyes, and miserable.  She was sick for about 10-12 days.  Nobody else got sick, which was my first clue it was probably RSV.  I probably should have taken her to the doctor, but by the time I realized it might be RSV she seemed to be getting a little better.  She was a trooper and when she was finally better, her sleep improved!  She naps for an hour in the morning and 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  She goes to bed at 7 pm and is up between 6:30-7:30am.

She is cruising around everywhere and even took 2 steps the other day.  She's right on track to be walking before her birthday, just like her sister and brother.  She isn't as busy and into things as Mason was.  I was looking back at Mason's 9 and 10 month posts and he was crazy! Climbing the stairs, climbing on the fireplace, climbing in the cabinets.....he was exhausting.  Carly fell down our stairs once and still hasn't tried again.  She likes opening the cabinets and pulling stuff out.  She likes the bathroom and toilet paper.  She likes shoes.  She likes Mason's car track and Alyssa's small toys. 

It will be just a couple more months before she is off and running with her brother and sister.  I'm really cherishing all the snuggles and nighttime bottles.  Enjoying carrying her on my hip and the fact she will still sit quietly in her infant carseat through all our activities, but not for much longer I'm sure.  Babyhood goes far to fast.  I love you baby girl.  Grow slowly, please!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


 This was Carly at 39 weeks 3 days on January 3rd.  Out as long as she was in.  I love these pictures of us.  I couldn't decide on just one.

 Mason really likes trains now.  He still loves cars, but he is branching out to other things too.

                                  Her eyes are piercing in this picture.  Her face is messy too.

 Nate and the kids built a really cool fort.  Nate decided that the kids needed proper fighting equipment (Nate insisted that Mason needed a sword so he would play fight with that and not other weapons he creates.  We've set up some rules and its been working out pretty well).

                                                                         Snow day

 Alyssa and Mason went out to play in the snow and Carly was a bit sad she had to stay in.  She just stood at the window and watched them the whole time. 

 We are going to Steamboat this weekend, so I plan on giving her her first snow experience then.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Carly {9 months}

I'm sneaking these pictures in on the last day of 9 months. I thought I posted her 9 month pics already.  I will try to remember what happened from 8-9 months. 

*Carly is a great eater.  She started eating more table food.  She will eat anything, so different than her brother and sister.
* Started crawling on her hands an knees around Christmas.
* Loved Christmas
*Still wakes once or twice at night.  She was sick after Christmas and woke up every 2-3 hours.  It was rough. 
*Finally moved her into 6-9 month clothes.
*She weighed 16 lbs 8 oz at one of Mason's doctor appts.
* No new teeth.  The four top teeth look like they are about to break through any day. But I''ve been saying that for two months :(
*Stayed with Nana, Poppop and Beezy while I went to Vegas.
*More mobile.  Pulling up, started cruising a little. 
* Fell down the stairs once.  Hasn't climbed up since.  Fast learner.

I'm sure there was a lot more, but I keep thinking about all the stuff she's done this month.  Carly is so fun and happy.  Its fun to see her interacting with Alyssa and Mason more and more.  Love you, baby girl!