
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Potty training update

It seems like a lot of people I know are in the trenches of potty training. I've read a few blogs this week on potty training so I thought I'd give an update on how Alyssa is doing with it. We started introducing the potty right when Alyssa turned 2. She was pretty excited about it for a while and would go 2-5 times a day. But she would go such small amounts and so often( like every 10 minutes) that it just wasn't practical. I figured her body wasn't mature enough yet so we waited until after the holidays to try again. Well when I was ready to get serious about it, Alyssa was NOT! She wanted nothing to do with the potty and would scream and cry and never go on the potty. So I decided to wait a little longer. We had a lot of changes and traveling this past spring so it was really hard to pick a good time and be consistent with it. After another month or so she seemed to warm up a bit to the potty idea and if I caught her in time she would usually go. Somedays were good, and other days were terrible, but she would never tell me when she had to go. This was incredibly frustrating because I knew she could do it, she just wouldn't tell me. And the telling me part is a big part of being "trained" So we went on like this for a couple months, with lots of accidents on the carpet, on the couch, in the car seat...just about everywhere. I tried to prepare Nate for it, since (lucky him) he missed all this, and he was not excited. He was ready to put her back in diapers. But when he got home everything changed. The day he got home she started telling us she had to go! And she has seriously only had two wet accidents in 2 weeks!! I guess there is just something very motivating about Daddy coming home. Last time Nate came home from deployment Alyssa started walking. So you just never know what that motivating factor is going to be for a kid. I thought seeing other kids go potty, bribing her with stuff, not letting her wear diapers at all etc. would motivated her. So we are doing great with pee but still not good with poop. She has only gone twice on the potty and now goes during naptime or bedtime, so she can do it alone with out me trying to get her to go on the potty, I guess. But I feel alot less stressed about it because I know she'll do it eventually, and maybe the bribe of getting her a big girl bed when she's fully potty trained will give her a little incentive :)


Kim said...

It sounds like you're talking about Hannah! She is mostly potty trained, but we still need to work on the telling part. She is so much more verbal than Luke was when he was potty trained & he told us. I can't figure it out. She is doing much better now. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this. So far, there is nothing in life that makes this educated person feel as incompetent as potty training does :)

Mandy said...

that's great linds...i am seriously hoping we keep progressing...sounds like alyssa has kept you on your toes in all this :) good work!!

Mandy said...

hey girl! i SOOO wish we could come visit...(we're going to be so close) but dave says we won't be "up your way" (we will be in walla walla and then in bend oregon)

he's got a TON of meetings and when i say meetings i mean GOLF. and then we want to get in some good time with his g and g down in Bend.

i'm bummed. it sure would be fun to see where you live.....