Super happy guy! This is a classic mason face Take look at the hair!
I have a picture of Alyssa standing at the bath tub at 3 months, so I thought I'd see if he could do it. He's a pretty sturdy little guy.
Mason is growing like CRAZY! He has been going through a big growth spurt and I think he's gained a pound in the last week and a half. I will be glad when the growth spurt is over so that maybe he will sleep a little longer at night. Getting up twice during the night is reminding me of the first two weeks and I'm tired. So how long do these growth spurts last? Will he be a good sleeper again? He is a sweetie though. He's laughing and giggling a lot now and is very entertained by Alyssa. Alyssa has been playing with him a lot and tries to calm him down when he's fussy, it's really cute to see them interact. He is attempting to roll over and spends a lot of time laying on his side. He went in the pool for the first time this week and I think he liked it. He didn't cry at least. He still won't take a bottle but I'm not going to give up. I really want to be able to take advantage of all our babysitters. We love having a baby around, it's just so fun! We love our little boy!!
Alyssa woke up not feeling well yesterday. She had a tummy ache and a low fever, I thought it was just a little bug but she kept getting worse even on motrin. Her fever was 103.6 on medicine, usually the medicine helps a little. Then she started complaining about a sore throat so I got a flashlight and took a look. Her throat was covered in little tiny red dots and was really red overall. I took her to urgent care and it looks like she has strep. It's a bummer being sick in the summer :( Nobody wants to be stuck inside. Luckily we got her medicine last night so she is feeling much better today. Hopefully the rest of us will stay healthy.
We had our first little party with some of our good friends last week, and unfortunately it was a good bye party. They are all Nate's friends from high school(and my friends too) and we have all kept up over the years, some of us moving away and coming back and now moving away. We are so bummed that the Haag's are leaving as soon as we move back, but we hope you guys love it in Orlando and I'm sure you'll have a few visitors :)
*Isn't this a great pic?! I mean, everyone is actually looking at the camera! This may be a first.
Here are a few pics of our house. We are really enjoying it here. We have so much space, a great yard, great view and great neighbors. I don't have any pictures of Mason's room yet, he must have been napping when I took them.
We went to a little carnival thing on base on the 3rd. They had a lot of fun stuff for kids. On the 4th we had a big cul-de-sac party and then had our families over. I don't have any pics of that :( The fireworks were a little disappointing because the weather got bad and we didn't make it all the way there before they started. It was ok though cause we were in and out in less than an hour and beat all the traffic so it was worth it. Overall a pretty great 4th of july.
We are finally settled into our house and establishing somewhat of a routine. It has been a crazy month and a half. We spent the first month staying with our parents which was a lot of fun. Alyssa loved all the constant attention and it was nice having so much help. We moved into our house 2 weeks ago and it is still and on going process getting unpacked and organized. The house is's big, bigger than we need but it's so nice to finally have some storage space. We have really nice neighbors and Alyssa is already making several friends in the neighborhood. Mason is doing great. He has been such an easy baby which has been a blessing through all the craziness. He had a rough week of sleep the week we moved into our house, but I think he's back on track sleeping 6-7 hours in a row at night. He is smiling and cooing and getting so big. He has made the transition from one to two so easy.
I'll post some pictures of the house soon. We still have to hang pictures and put the finishing touches on some things. We have plenty of space, so if anyone is ever in the area you have a place to stay!
Some pics of the kiddos from the last month...
This is the bedding my mom made for Mason. It is so adorable!