
Friday, March 4, 2011

Mason 10 months

Mason turned 10 months a couple weeks ago. His first year has gone by soo fast! His personality is growing all the time and he is definitely communicating when he wants something or doesn't like something. He is all over the place now, so we had to get a couple gates to corral him. We didn't have any gates for Alyssa, partly because of the layout of the house, having only her and the biggest thing... she actually listened when we told her 'no'. Mason DOES NOT listen. And maybe that's normal for 10 months, but man, I spend so much of my day telling him 'no' and redirecting him it's crazy. And he does not respond at all. He will do the same thing over and over again. I really hopes be starts catching on soon.

These pictures on my hope chest are getting more diffcult. He doesn't want to just sit there.

Mason is so fun. He is generally a really happy guy, loves playing with Daddy and Alyssa and exploring everything.

He is getting very close to walking. He can stand by him self for 10-15 seconds and then sits down. But it won't be long.

He is still eating like a champ and I hope gaining some weight. He still wears 6-9 month clothes, but I feel like he's growing.

He is sleeping much better(although not this week since he's teething), but he is an early riser and usually has one of us up by 6am. Lucky for me, Nate is awesome and lets me sleep in a lot of mornings.

He says mama and we've heard him say dada a couple time.

We love you so much Mason! I love having a little boy!

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