
Friday, August 10, 2012

A few pics

Carly having fun in the jumperoo.

The Walker family over for a get together. GG Walker and Aunt Cheryl came for a visit.

Carly Susanna's namesake.

One day we were looking for Mason and couldn't find him. After calling for him a couple times we hear "her!" from upstairs. Nate went up and found him playing with his cars on the widow sill with his hand in his pocket :)

Mason is such a sweet little boy. He is fiesty, determined, onery, silly, intense, and so cute! He loves people so passionately that at times it's overwhelming, especially for kids that are smaller than he is. He just can't keep his hands off people. At first it was very frustrating to me, I'm always telling him to stopping touching, hugging, sometimes pushing or laying on top of someone. But I've realized, that while he needs to learn to control himself, it's his way of loving people. The loving can quickly turn into being to rough, but I feel like I'm understanding this little guy a bit better.

What a ham!

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