
Friday, August 10, 2012

Carly {4 months}

Carly is 4 months old! I love this age. Most people say that 3 months is kind of the turning point from the newborn phase and things get easier. For me its 4 months. By 4 months I feel like I have it more together, we have a more predictable routine and baby is happier. Carly has been a great baby, but over the past couple weeks she has been more content, has a more predictable schedule, naps better, likes the car a whole lot better(even sleeps!), found her hands, likes toys and traveled like a champ. I have been enjoying her so much!

The one thing that has been a bit frustrating is her eating. She has been a finnicky nurser since she was about 6 weeks old. She sometimes just won't nurse, gets frustrated and cries. Because she wasn't eating well my milk supply really dropped, so I started pumping to increase it. I was supplementing too beacause she wasn't getting enough and finally took a bottle, probably because she was starving. Now she definitely prefers the bottle most of the time. She will nurse when she is sleepy, ie. the middle of the night or after a nap, but otherwise I have to pump and give her a bottle. I don't know how people pump exclusively for a whole year! It's so time consuming and I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up. My goal is at least 6 months, but we'll see.

Such a happy girl! We love her smile:)

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