
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Carly {8 months}

 Carly is 8 months old! She has been a little mover this month.  She still does the army crawl, but she is getting faster and can get pretty much where ever she want to go.
She has been a great eater until this week.  She got a stomach bug and she must still feel sick because she is hardly eating or drinking anything. Hopefully she will feel better soon.  She still doesn't sleep throught the night. Sickness and teething doesn't help.
 She pulls up on everything! She is starting to get into trouble...she loves Rugby's food and water, pulling down the speakers, climbing up on the fireplace, getting into pots and pans.  It's fun to watch her explore.  It is so hard to baby proof with two other kids toys everywhere! She is very interested in what her brother and sister are doing and she is starting to get into their stuff and bother them a bit.  They are going to have another sibling to start sharing with :)  Carly is so happy and laid back most of the time.  She is just along for the ride where ever we go and she makes it pretty easy on Mommy.
                                                 My sweet beauty, I love you so much!

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