
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sleep Training

I have decided to start sleep training Mason. We have had a really rough time with sleeping for about a month and a half. Prior to a month and a half ago Mason was a great sleeper, for naps and at bedtime. He would go down without a fuss and would wake once at night for a feeding. Then he started waking more at night wanting to be fed since thats all he knew, and then he started screaming at naptime. I did cry it out with Alyssa around this stage at naptime, and it seemed to work for her. Going in just made it worse for her. So I tried the same thing with Mason and he would cry for an hour and not go to sleep. Then I started going in every few minutes to calm him and it still took forver for him to go down for a nap. The middle of the night was bad too. I tried not feeding him, I tried rocking, bouncing anything, he would fall asleep but would wake up 5 minutes later. Nate tried too with no luck. So I'm trying the pick up/put down method of the Baby Whisperer. Last night I made sure he didn't nurse to sleep, (which he does about half the time) and put him down awake at 7:45. He went right to sleep which is pretty normal. It's the only time lately he goes down without crying. Then I did a "dream feed" at 10:30 which I haven't been doing. He slept till 3:15am. Then the fun began. I did a mix of patting/ shushing in the crib and pick up/ put down. I would pat him as long as he wasn't too upset and when he started really crying I would pick him up until he calmed down (up to 2 minutes) and would lay him back down. He would start crying immediately and I would pick him up again. Eventually he got a little calmer in the crib and I just patted and shushed. He finally went to sleep, without a feeding! But it took 1 1/2 hours. I'm so glad there wasn't a clock in the room or I think I would have been more tempted to give up. He slept from 4:45 to 6:20. So about 8 hours from his dream feed. I'm glad the first night is over. I wasn't sure what to expect today at naptime, I expected another long episode. But.....I put him down at 8am, did a little naptime routine, layed him down with his lovey and I never heard a peep out of him!!! That is the first time in weeks and weeks that he's gone down for a nap without a huge fit. I guess I'll see how long he sleeps, but that is progress. I know we have some more difficult naps and nights ahead but it's good to see progress so quickly. I'm really realizing how different babies are. I was really all for cry it out and thought it would work for most babies if people really stuck to it, it did for Alyssa so why not Mason. But he needs something a little different and I think and hope this will be it for him. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You are not alone. We're going through the same thing with Alice right now. She sleeps great as long as I nurse her ALL the time. We just read The No-Cry Sleep Solution. We'll see if it works!
Good luck!!
I'm impressed you stuck it out for 1 1/2 hours last night!